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Annual Reviews

Financial Planning Review

Our annual financial planning reviews are designed to track progress towards goals with a focus on net worth growth and cash flow management. During the review, we also assess the following: 

  • Objectives related to risk protection, estate and gift planning for future generations.

  • Tax mitigation strategies—review the tax impact resulting from changes made and/or strategies recommended.

  • Advanced retirement income strategies and Social Security claiming strategies.

  • Exit strategies for business owners.

  • Health care and company benefit plans.

  • Employee benefit plans. 

Wealth Management Review

During these annual meetings we’ll review the following:

  • Incorporate investment strategy.

  • Portfolio alignment with risk tolerance.

  • Portfolio drift and review of the investment policy statement. 

  • Gain/loss harvesting for tax advantages.

  • Review any changes in your current situation as it relates to impactful life events or changes in goals. 

  • Review risk adjusted performance, the economy and any legislative and/or tax changes.

  • Discuss any changes to dispositive wishes.
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